Cruz Pooz Patrol was established in the Spring of 2020 by Cruz Hanson as a result of his parents refusing to pay him for picking up poop in his backyard for the family pets Slade and Frankie. He put an ad on Next Door offering to pick up poop in backyards for $5 and had more than 20 customers request service.
What he didn't realize was the the requests came from clients who had an entire winter's worth of poop in their back yards! Most yards took 1-2 hours and one even took 4 hours! His customers took really good care of him with tips and he found that he actually enjoyed working hard and making money. Many of his customers requested continued service which he didn't initially plan on doing. After a few purchases on Fortnite and a big lego set he decided it would be a great opportunity to fund some of his activities. |